About me

Profil ORCID

I am a research Engineer and I have been working at the INRAE, France’s Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment from 2012.

From 2012 to 2020, I shared my work time between the management of a research technological platform for plant-based processing (Platform PLANET) in close collaboration with industrial partners, and research activities in a research team of the joint research IATE in Montpellier (Agropolymer Engineering & Emerging Technologies in Montpellier). From November 2020, I have been working on secondment at Scion in Rotorua, New Zealand, in the framework of the SMARTPOP Project.

My research focuses on dry fractionation of agri-resources with milling and separation processes into tailor-made powders for hi-tech applications such as green energy, green chemistry and smart materials.

My research work seeks to describe and the predict chemical and physical mechanisms involved in the processing of this granular plant materials, in particular, those occurring during the ultra-fine milling of lignocellulosic biomasses. Indeed, ultrafine milling induces physical and chemical conversions, whose interconnections have not yet been investigated, even though they determines the most desirable properties of ground powders.

In the SMARTPOP, these modifications will be exploited, to functionalise the plant biomass powders and design, though additive manufacturing, functional bio-based materials for tomorrow.